These skills are highly dependant upon each other, and their interdependence needs to be understood if we are going to be successful in building trust with our clients. 这些技巧相互之间都高度依赖,如果我们要与客户之间成功地构建信任关系,那么也需要了解它们之间的相互依赖关系。
Dynamic pressure is a function of velocity and air density, which in turn is dependant upon altitude and temperature. 动态压力是一个功能的速度和空气密度,而这又是取决于海拔高度和温度。
To rethink of the existing urban design approach in China merely dependant upon the competition, especially for the international competition. 反思中国现行的单纯依靠一次性设计招投标(特别是国际招投标)的城市设计方式。
Professional titles are granted on province-by-province basis by the provincial governing bodies and are dependant upon whether licensing to practice the professional duties is required in said province. 专业职称逐步被省府认可,是基于省的监管机构以及虑是否需要对实施的专业职务发出营业执照。
The amount of physio's a club needs is largely dependant upon the size of their squad and obviously the length of their injury list. 俱乐部队医的数量很大程度上取决于阵容的大小,当然也明显与伤病名单的长度有关。
The choice of a suitable mode which best favors the multinational is dependant upon various internal and external restrictions. 究竟哪种进入方式更有利于跨国公司的扩张战略则取决于不同的内外部因素约束。
The mice sera immunized with O SP 2 TT and O SP 1 TT conjugates have the bactericidal activity dependant upon complement in vitro. 补体介导的体外杀菌试验证明,OSP1TT与OSP2TT结合物免疫血清具有特异性杀菌活性。
The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas. 蘑菇头的生成与否及尺寸主要取决于气体的冷却能力。
Conclusions: Egr-1 may play an important role in liver injury during acute pancreatitis, and this effect is partly dependant upon extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/ 2 ( ERK 1/ 2) pathway. 结论Egr-1可能参与急性胰腺炎肝损伤过程,并且其作用机制部分依赖于细胞外信号调节激酶1/2(ERK1/2)。
It is shown that the articulation is dependant not only upon the external information of speech signal received by the listener, but also upon the internal information, the combination rule, of the language. 试验表明,清晰度得分不仅与听音人收到的言语信号的物理特性外部信息有关,而且强烈地依赖于语言本身的结构规律内部信息。